ma⋅gen⋅ta [muh-jen-tuh] –noun
1. fuchsin.
2. a purplish red.
After Magenta, a town in Northern Italy, West of Milan. The French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in Magenta in 1859. The dye used to produce this color was discovered the year of the battle.
fuch⋅sin [fook-sin] –noun
1. a greenish, water-soluble, solid, coal-tar derivative, obtained by the oxidation of a mixture of aniline and the toluidines, that forms deep-red solutions: used chiefly as a dye.
-- from www.dictionary.com
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-- Cheryl
Ladybug Sewing Studio
I love, love, love all of the color!! What a great idea and very inspiring.
I am a neighbor up north of you on Hwy 99 in Chowchilla! Funny how we travel the internet and find people close to home.
Wow, look at the wonderful magenta. I've been checking out your blog and your off to a great start! Congrats. I just got mine off the ground this week too. Pop over for a visit if you life at Lovemesomeyarn.blogspot.com.
I love your creative captures of color... so inspiring!
I'm completely in love with a) the ball of yarn...it's a fuzzy hat in waiting and b) the adorable pink bunny.
My favorite, next to red is magenta. Love it!
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